Friday, June 14, 2019

Information interview for a job Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Information interview for a job - Assignment ExampleSukirti MKSK features a humble beginning in supplying and urban design as a product of a merger in 2011. The telephoner has worked for private and national clients under the parent companies namely KKG and MSI Design ( The troupe prides itself in exceptional planning and design, and that is where I derived my inspiration as an urban designer and planner.Sukirti Currently the company has an open position for outstanding six principals and associates following promotion in the recent past. The positions will be advertised soon through local dailies and company website.Sukirti It took me several weeks to figure out the perfect plan for getting a subordinate role at MKSK. You must puzzle excellent skills in designing, beloved and talent in urban planning to become a part of the MKSK team. The current leaders in our team consist of exceptional figures from different countries who have experience in accounting, grant writing and geography among others. Therefore, you must have a unique quality and extra skills besides urban design and planning to become a part of MKSK.Sukirti The Company does not look into unique skills in a prospective employee but the requisite knowledge on urban design and planning. However, your individual abilities and contribution to the team will propel your passage further.Sukirti Personally, I invested in teamwork and an inquisitive nature because I did not have blockheaded knowledge in the work. The company expects you to take up challenges from private and public entities and look for a mentor from the executive train.Interacting with Sukirti at a personal level opened a new chapter in urban planning career. Gaining a foothold in a profession demands passion, talent and an experience other career fields besides urban planning. Mentorship is an inevitable need when you join an international team that serves communities and private entities. The company awards its p rincipals and associates who offer a valuable

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